VoxingPro Mobile App - Stay Connected

Posted by Ginger Johnson on Mar 15, 2019 2:21:25 PM
Ginger Johnson

Voxing Pro mobile app

Voxing Pro Mobile App 

Cast leading dubbing & voiceover actors from anywhere! Free & direct access to a vetted talent database and time saving casting tools. No commissions. No hidden costs. Reserved for industry professionals.

Producers and Voice Directors
Enjoy quick and easy access to all your Voxing Pro casting tools 
  • Search our talent database
  • Contact talents & agents directly with our Booking tool, keeping your contact info confidential
  • Confirm actor availability for auditions
  • Manage your casting projects
  • Collaborate with your team
  • and search talents, manage bookings, and collaborate with your team  without missing a beat.


Voiceover and Dubbing Actors

  • Just finished a recording session ? Upload your latest voiceover and dubbing samples and references, manage your profile and categorise your samples so they’ll show up in casting searches from wherever you are!
  • Have a few minutes free? Check out your profile statistics and adjust the categorisation of your samples according to trending casting searches. Update your availabilities every chance you get and don’t miss an occasion to get booked!
  • Keep your finger on the pulse of professional opportunities by keeping your professional network in your pocket! You’ll receive Casting Call notifications directly on your mobile!
The app is free and available in the App Store and Google Play, currently in 3 languages : English, French and German. Download it now and start optimising your professional projects !


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* Voxing Pro respects your privacy and will only process your data in accordance with the European Unions privacy laws and regulations.

Topics: Voice Actors, Producers

Voiceover Industry Blog

It's no secret the voice-over industry is growing and evolving at the speed of light. So quickly, that it's not always easy to stay updated with the newest trends and industry changes. 

Projects start piling up and it can be a real challenge staying organised between castings, bookings and recording sessions. 

Or... on the contrary, you might be struggling to find projects that are in sync with your professional experience and objectives. 

Advice, interviews, articles on industry trends... Our content focus relates to :   

  • Voiceover actors 
  • Producers, directors, artistic directors, casting directors...
  • Voice talent agents
  • Casting agencies

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