Detailed statistics on profile visits and sample listens - Advantages of Voxing Pro paid subscriptions (4/4)

Posted by Marie Sinclair on Jan 13, 2022 3:35:24 PM
Marie Sinclair


As explained in the last blog post of this series, Voxing Pro actors with paid subscriptions have ultra complete and elegant profile pages, publicly visible and integrated into producers casting tools!

But did you know paid subscribers also have access to detailed statistics concerning their profile activity? 

Fourth advantage of Voxing Pro paid subscriptions: Detailed statistics on profile visits and sample listens

Depending on the Voxing Pro subscription you have, you'll have access to detailed statistics and insight, including details on who is listening to your samples, and which samples are performing best!


Capture d’écran 2022-01-13 à 14.36.49

  • Number of public profile views
  • Number of listens of your audio & video samples in the Voxing Pro casting tool by registered producers and voice directors 
  • Number of listens of your audio & video samples in the Voxing Pro casting tool by registered producers and voice directors AND on your public profile


  • Most played sample categories on Voxing Pro 
  • Number of views of your public profile (excluding producers & voice directors)
  • Number of email messages sent via your public profile 
  • Number of listens of your audio samples in the Voxing Pro casting tool by registered producers and voice directors 
  • Number of listens of your audio samples in the Voxing Pro casting tool by registered producers and voice directors AND on your public profile


voice actor stats EN

  • Most played sample categories on Voxing Pro 
  • Number of listens of your individual audio samples
  • Which producers and voice casters have listened to your samples + how many times
  • Which producers have viewed my phone number recently
  • Number of public profile views
  • Number of listens of your audio samples in the Voxing Pro casting tool by registered producers and voice directors 
  • Number of listens of your audio samples in the Voxing Pro casting tool by registered producers and voice directors AND on your public profile

Discover Voxing Pro subscriptions

Other articles in this series :

1 - Increased visibility in casting tools - Advantages of Voxing Pro paid subscriptions (1/4)

2 - Boosted promotion of your profile - Advantages of Voxing Pro paid subscriptions (2/4)

3 - Elaborate actor profiles - Advantages of Voxing Pro paid subscriptions (3/4)


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It's no secret the voice-over industry is growing and evolving at the speed of light. So quickly, that it's not always easy to stay updated with the newest trends and industry changes. 

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